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Utvecklare: Robert Augustine

Today, less than 1/3 of the worlds population claims to follow Christ. Shockingly, even though a large percentage of the globe claims to be believers, that percentage has not changed much over the past 1500 years. Christs Great Commission must be completed. Jesus has invited every believer to partner with him in his great commission, making disciples of all nations. When we look at just how big the world is, this can seem like an impossible task. But lets look at the math. Lets start with ten people including you. You love Jesus, and youre committed to actually doing the Great Commission he gave to all believers. After leading someone to Christ, they commit to spending the next 9 weeks doing discipleship, training this person how to read scripture, teach scripture, share their faith, and then teach them how to be a disciple. During this year, your new believers are both still doing evangelism. At the end of this first year, it is likely each of the new believers will lead someone to Christ, then you each simply repeat the process from the first new believers, and they do the same. This doesnt seem too crazy yet, right? Over the course of two years, you have led 12 people to Christ and have discipled 12 new believers. Now you might see where this is going. Lets assume that each year you keep sharing your faith, keep seeing at least 12 people come to Christ, and keep discipling a new believer. We all know that not everyone will continue to follow this evangelistic plan, so let’s say that from this point on only 30% continue

Meanwhile, other believers who have come to Christ and have been discipled also keep following the same pattern, multiplication will begin to take off. In three years, there will be126,462 believers. So if we had 10 in ten different locations, and only 10% stayed on track with one new convert and disciple each month. in 10 years, that would be more than 9 million new believers and disciples. Believers. In 20 years, there will be more than 859 trillion. Of course, that cannot happen because that is more than the projected population of Earth in 20 years. In other words, by simply making disciples as Jesus commanded us, we could see the world one to Christ in less than 20 years.

This is amazing. Literally starting with just you the whole world could be reached in less than 35 years. Well, it gets even better. Youre not the only Christian in the world. Starting with more than just one believer, we can see the whole world reached even sooner. If we were able to train just 1% of the worlds Christians doing evangelism and discipleship in a way that multiplies the whole world could be reached for Christ, in less than 10 years. This is why “The Disciple Life” started. We dont want to start with just one person. We believe all Christians are called to the Great Commission and we are strategically equipping 1000s of believers all over the globe for this important task. Our mission is to multiply Christ-like multipliers.

Our vision is to see the Great Commission completed. And our strategy involves three key elements. The first part of our strategy involves doing practical, great commission ministry with ministries around the world. Partner with hundreds of ministries around the globe, including local churches, missionaries, and anyone who wants to grow as a disciple. The second part of our strategy involves training. We train believers all over the world how to do evangelism, discipleship, and ministry in a way that multiplies. All of our resources are Jesus-focused biblical and geared towards equipping average believers for an effective Great Commission industry. The two overarching goals of practical application and simple multiplication guide each of our strategies. We will never see the world reached for Christ on our own. We need you.